Yup, I’m not kidding. Today I did a bit of early morning before the kids were up school work (as well as threw together a lasagna). Then we entered complete crisis mode, as one kid woke up with a serious earache, and the other woke up with wicked cranky pants on. Nevertheless, we proceeded as the day was intended to be – me to work and kids to school/daycare. I then managed to teach both my classes, and attend a meeting in between, and meet with an advisee in need… Then I headed off to Titcomb, so I could see Alden during his break in the middle of ski program (when a colleague heard that he had an ear infection, she said, “and you are going to make him go skiing?” Damn right I am. And, he’s going to like it, too. Really, he was excited and wanted to go skiing, ear infection notwithstanding.)
I skied one run by myself, and then three or four with Alden, after he finished his ski program.
A few concessions:
I did let my morning class out a bit early, so I could get Alden to the doctor.
I was late to my lunchtime meeting.
A babysitter picked Alden up from school and took him to his ski program (I was still teaching class then).
Ray did pick up Milo from daycare.
I did use no-boil noodles for the lasagna.
Lest you think I have turned into superwoman, I wanted to be clear about those few things.
Anyway, the point was not so much about what I managed to do, on this day that had quite a rocky start, but, to note how cool it is that I can go and do a little skiing after a day at work.